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Maintain Pool During Quarantine

Quarantined? Enjoy Your Backyard

With social-distancing rules in full effect and being at home more often than not, it might brighten the mood to enjoy your outdoor space. At Mt. Lake Pool & Patio, we want to make sure your pool and patio area is ready to be enjoyed as the weather gets nicer. Here are a few steps to take to prepare your pool area:

1. Sweep the Pool Deck/Patio

If you have a backyard deck or pool area, a great project is to sweep/clean it. Leaves, dirt, and debris can collect in this area especially if you live in a wooded area. Spend some time sweeping or blowing these particles away. Then, you can even soak the area down and sanitize anything that gets frequently touched!

2. Clean the Pool Furniture

Cleaning furniture is most important, especially if you’re taking furniture out of winter storage. Many outdoor frames can simply be wiped down with warm soap and water. A modest mixture of 1qt white vinegar and 1qt water can also be used to help spruce up the frame if any oxidation or dullness has occurred. Do this on a day where everything can be left outside to dry in the sun.

3. Clean or Replace Filter of Pool

If you are a seasoned pool owner, you know the importance of keeping the pool filter clean and well-maintained. Once a pool is opened and cleaned, you can have the pool professionals check the filter and whether or not it needs to be backwashed or replaced. For older filters, it might be a good idea to replace it. A new or working filter will keep your pool clean during its heavy use in the summer.

4. Check pH Level

Regularly maintaining the pH of the pool is very important. We recommend weekly water testing. You are able to purchase an at home testing kit or hire a pool professional to come out and test and treat the water for you. Staying on top of water chemistry can alleviate any algae growth or big jump in pH. The best defense is to keep the pH level as neutral as possible.

5. Treat Your Backyard to Something New

If you have an outdoor area that isn’t furnished, it might be worthwhile to look at outdoor furniture. Because of the shutdowns throughout the country, customers are able to find really great deals on furniture in stock at local patio shops. Measure your area and come up with your vision. Do you want dining to enjoy dinners with the family outside? Perhaps deep seating and a fire pit to relax with a book or a drink. Whatever you envision, Mt. Lake is here to help!

Contact Our Pool Company

When you need pool maintenance in Newtown, PA, then give our company a call. We’ll help ensure your pool is in perfect condition for the summer season!